There are two types of landscapes; one is a natural landscape and the other is a man-made landscape. Natural landscapes are settings like mountain views that include trees, grass, and creeks that all make up a view or setting. Man-made landscapes are areas surrounding a home or business which are more than just dirt, grass, trees, and a few bushes and flowers.
Man-made landscapes are the areas around homes or businesses. This is the type of landscape that we will focus on here. It can be designed for many different purposes. A person’s desired landscape outcome needs to be planned in advance. You can make a design that can be planned for a peaceful setting with a water feature and coy fish swimming around or it can be designed with and walkway and low growing flowers on each side and manicured shrubs behind with Japanese maples on each side of the entrance leading up to the house.
Ingredients for making a beautiful landscape
The type of turfgrass is very important to decide at the beginning of the plan. There are two categories of turfgrass types in the transition zone of the triangle. These two categories are cool-season grass and warm-season grass. Because we live in the transition zone, both categories of grass can do well in most landscapes.
Cool-season grasses that people mainly use in the triangle are tall fescue, fine fescue, annual ryegrass, and Kentucky bluegrass. Most people in the are like Tall fescue because it stays green all year round.
The warm-season grasses that most people use in the triangle are Bermuda, Zosia, and Centipede. These types of grasses go dormant in the late fall and stay that way through winter and into the start of spring. when they go dormant the lawn actually turns brown and looks dead during this time. Because of this many people don’t like these types of grass.
When deciding which type of grass to you use in your landscape, first you need to figure out how much sun your grass area will get each day. All types of grass need certain amounts of sunlight to survive. To help with this we recommend using an online tool like as it will tell you where the sun will shine on your landscape at different times of the day and at all times throughout the year. This tool can be a major benefit in planning your entire landscape