Spring Green Lawn Care

Spring Green Lawn Care

Spring Green Lawn Care: Steps to Keep Your Yard Looking Great This Spring

Looking for some tips on how to keep your lawn looking great this spring? You’ve come to the right place! Here at Distinct Lawns, we know a thing or two about keeping yards looking their best. Read on for some of our top spring green lawn care tips.

Start by Raking Up Any Leaves or Debris that Have Accumulated Over the Winter Months.

Starting your spring lawn care off the right way can make all the difference in maintaining the health and beauty of your lawn. Before you get to those newly blooming flowers, have a quick glance around your yard and make sure it’s ready for the warm season ahead. Take time to rake up any leaves or debris that have collected over the winter as these items can block sunlight and suffocate grass, leading to patches of barren land. Get out there and care for your outdoor space before summer shows up!

Next, Fertilize Your Lawn to Help it Green Up and Encourage New Growth.

Taking the next step in your lawn care regimen should include fertilizing your lawn. Not only will it help promote a lush and healthy green growth, but it can also fight off potential diseases, weeds, and other issues. Applying fertilizer early in the season will give your spring grass an extra boost of nutrients so that it flourishes throughout the spring and summer months. If you’re ever unsure of what type or how much fertilizer to use, consulting an expert is always a safe bet. With proper fertilizing techniques you can rest easy knowing that your lawn is receiving the best possible care for healthy growth throughout the whole year.

Spring Green Lawn Care
Spring Green Lawn Care

Be sure to Mow Regularly.

For a beautiful spring lawn, be sure to mow regularly and keep an eye on blade height. Setting your blade slightly higher than usual in the spring ensures that new grass growth is not damaged or cut too quickly. Distinct Lawns recommends keeping your blade at the highest setting allowed for your mower whenever possible, especially during spring months. This is just one of many tips from the experts at Distinct Lawns – follow them for a lush, healthy lawn throughout the year!

Water Deeply but Less Frequently, to Encourage Deep Roots.

Deep watering is essential to a healthy lawn, and green lawn care can help ensure your lawn is receiving the right amount of moisture. Water deeply but less frequently with spring green’s customized irrigation plans; this helps promote deep root growth in your grass and plants while also reducing waste. Deep root growth not only increases the resiliency of the plants but also improves water retention so that your lawn isn’t constantly thirsty. Get a custom plan from spring green to ensure that you’re giving your lawn what it really needs – deep yet infrequent watering’s!

Lastly, Add Some Color with Annual Flowers or Mulch.

To complete the upkeep of your lawn, incorporating color is the perfect finishing touch. Distinct Lawns recommends adding annual flowers for a pop of color that will last through the summer season, or opting for mulch to help protect your plants from weeds and pests. We’ll guide you find the perfect combination of both! Let our team of professionals take care of your lawn and flowerbeds to give your property a beautifully manicured look.

By following these simple tips, you can give your lawn the nourishment it needs to thrive this spring. A little extra effort now will pay off in a green, healthy lawn all season long. So get out there and start raking up those leaves!

Lawn Care Spring
Lawn Care Spring
110 Sapphire Ct, Franklinton, NC 27525, United States
(919) 435-2940